Cultural exploration and exchange with(in) Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

A focus on diversity in the arts in Flanders leads us to the countries where migrants come from. Artists in Flanders are establishing relationships with artists from Morocco and Tunisia – and vice versa -. Western European artists and programmers (with a migration background) are investing in infrastructure and networks in the MENA region today.

Impressions of Libanon

Between 6 and 9 October, Flanders Arts Institute, together with a substantial delegation of artists and arts organisations from Flanders and Brussels, took part in the IETM Satellite Meeting in Beirut. A Satellite Meeting is a smaller gathering of the IETM network, each time with a focus on a specific theme and/or region. The purpose of this edition was especially to build bridges between organisations from Europe and those from the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa).

Five visitors from Flanders wrote their travel logs.

Cultural exploration and exchange with(in) South-East Europe

Working together with Eastern Europe, balkans and countries bordering the EU

Internationaal werken

Working internationally for musicians, visual artists and performing artists was for years a matter of course. But times are changing.