Performing arts

VOID 2022 Joshua Serafin

The Flemish arts’ field prides itself on its international recognition, artistic quality and experimental diversity. Since the 1980’s there has been a continuous development of excellent artistic work across the disciplines. Artists working in Flanders and Brussels are often welcomed guests on the international stage. The success of Flemish performing arts is not a coincidence, it is a result of how the sector is structured and supported

We can describe the Flemish arts’ field as a landscape of relations with a dense network of interdependent functions. Flanders is envied for the great diversity of its houses and institutions, including companies and production houses with or without their own infrastructure, art centres, art labs, management agencies, festivals, cultural centres, etc. Big and small organisations exist alongside each other and are often intertwined in a multitude of collaborations.

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Read more about FAI

The organisation caters to both national and international professional arts audiences. The organisation is known as Kunstenpunt to national audiences. The institute is the contact point for foreign art professionals in search of information on the visual and performing arts and on music in Flanders.