Flanders Arts Institute aims to be representative and multi-voiced. That’s why we focus on accessible content and events as much as we can.
Do you think we sometimes fail to do that, or do you see improvement somewhere? If so, be sure to let us know at We are aware that this is a learning process and we are fully committed to it.
Content-wise, we try to keep our communication as accessible as possible, for instance by providing translations for those who do not speak Dutch, or offering transcriptions and summaries with our audiovisual content. For those just looking for in-depth information, details and nuance, we offer the Knowledge platform, where we do not shy away from any complexity. The Advisory platform compiles this information into a series of short, but clear tips and recommendations on relevant topics in the sector.
During our events – sometimes physical or digital, sometimes smaller-scale or larger – we seek to provide accessibility in the broadest sense of the word.
Not everyone can take part in our activities as part of a paid job. For each event, Flanders Arts Institute looks at how we can make this possible for interested creators, self-employed workers or art professionals who are between jobs or cannot participate as part of their job.
Depending on how many participants there are and the interactive or non-interactive nature of the events, this can specifically range from reimbursing transport costs to providing a (volunteer) allowance.
Flanders Arts Institute wants makers’ voices to be heard more. We encourage financially strong organisations to bring (an) artist(s) alongside their own colleagues – either artistically or more behind the scenes – and provide a fee for doing so.
We try to keep the barriers to attending our events as low as possible.
Some venues are not physically accessible to everyone. When choosing a venue, we consider whether it is easily accessible by public transport and adapted to functional limitations. Furthermore, we consider factors such as:
- clear signage;
- clear programming;
- adherence to the announced hours and duration;
- the presence of low-stimulation rooms/moments;
- … .
Safety and respect are key before, during and after our activities. At the start of each event, we make arrangements to ensure the smooth running of the gathering and a reliable environment.
As photographers are regularly present or recordings are made, we ask everyone in advance if this is okay. This gives all participants the opportunity and guarantee not to be photographed, filmed or quoted and to participate in our activities in complete freedom. We take data protection seriously, based on European and Belgian privacy legislation. More information on this can be found here.
We are currently working on a policy to deal as correctly as possible with cases of micro-aggression or cross-border behaviour. Do you have any tips or feedback that could help us in this regard? Contact us at
Flanders Arts Institute wants everyone to feel addressed, welcomed and represented. That is why we communicate gender-inclusively.
We always clearly state in which language our events take place. If necessary, we provide translations or an interpreter on site.
With every event, we make ecological considerations.
Our catering is always vegetarian. We try to avoid waste and take any surpluses to local food banks.
For (inter)national travel, we recommend using trains, public transport and carpooling. The start and end times of the event are deliberately tailored to this, as is the location.
Flanders Arts Institute aims to reflect the diversity in our sector and society as much as possible. Internally, but also at our events. For activities with a limited number of places and possible selection, we are therefore mindful of this and always go through the registrations with due care.
Prior to each event, participants receive an e-mail containing the latest practical arrangements. In addition, for each event we provide the opportunity to let us know in advance what additional needs you have (e.g. food allergies, low-incentive rooms or child care) and how we can meet them.
Do you have any questions about this? Then please contact