VONK invites 10 Belgian visual artists to Copenhagen



During Art Week Copenhagen 2021, VONK will organize a 4 day network event with Danish partners Nikolaj Kunsthal and the Danish Arts Foundation. During this event we will take 10 emerging Belgian visual artists to Denkmark to build their network.

We offer :

  • Plane ticket to go on Sunday 26th September and to go back on October 1st 2021 
  • A shared hotel room for 5 nights at hotel Absalon (2 persons per room, single beds) including breakfast 
  • 10 speeddate sessions with Danish curators
  • 3 guided Copenhagen art organization visits 
  • Entrance to the Art Week Copenhagen party on Thursday 

For whom?

We are looking for :

  • 10 artists that are active in the visual arts (or make a clear crossover with visual arts). 
  • Who have a high quality of artistic work. 
  • That are older than 18 years. 
  • That have already build a professional career in the Belgian contemporary art scene. 
  • That are ready to take the next step to work internationally*

* If you already had a few international project you can also apply, but take care that this project is not for renowned international Belgian artists.     

You need to :

  • Be free to travel during the last week of September
  • Have the Belgian nationality 
  • Pay a fee of € 350,00 to cover a part of our expenses
  • Pay for your food during the 5 days
  • Make your own portfolio 
  • Use VONK in all of your communication

How to apply?

Send your

  • Personal information 
  • CV (max. 2 A4 pages)
  • Website link
  • Motivation why you think you are ready to take your art practice internationally (max. 0,5 A4 page)
  • What are your top 5 art institutions in Copenhagen and why. (max 0,5 A4 page) (you can do research here: www.kunsten.nu )
  • What is your current position in the Belgian art scene. (max 0,5 A4 page ) 
  • What are your idea’s or vision about how you will sustain this new network. (max 0,5 A4 page)
  • A link to your online portfolio*

* You will need to present your online portfolio to the Danish curators. Make it clear, clean and professional. Don’t email us the portfolio ! Make a link to a google drive or a hidden page on your website.   


Bundle everything in 1 pdf and save it under the title : surname.firstname.Copenhagen​

Email it before May 1, 2021 to lies@vonkateliers.com AND to vonkvzw@outlook.com with subject: surname.firstname.Copenhagen.

The selection will be made by an external jury.​

Note that considering the COVID pandemic we may ask a proof of vaccination before the trip.   

This international program is a project of VONK and partners Nikolaj Kunsthal and the Danish Arts Foundation. It was funded by the Flemish Government, the city of Hasselt & the city of Genk.​

* please note that this program is a main program of VONK, this means that a few places are reserved for artists that are directly or indirectly linked to the organization. The other places can be taking to external artists that have no link with the organization. 

​More information
