Neem deel aan de Internationale Dansconferentie “Concourir” in Frankrijk – September 2023

Centre national de la danse

Terwijl de Olympische en Paralympische Spelen van Parijs in 2024 van start gaan, wil deze internationale dansconferentie zich buigen over de geschiedenis en de praktijken van dans -en competitieve sportevenementen. Er is veel geschreven over competitie, vooral in een Olympische setting, maar de dansscène kreeg in het verleden minder kritische aandacht als het gaat om de fysieke, artistieke en sociale dimensies ervan.
Het CFP staat open voor alle wetenschappers die zich met dans bezighouden: docenten, promotoren en studenten, jonge afgestudeerden, kunstenaars en andere professionals. De conferentie is in het Frans; voor papers in het Engels en het Spaans is er een vertaling beschikbaar.

Formaat van je presentatie (in het Engels hieronder)

  • Traditional academic format (20-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q&A) ;
  • dance presentation: performance, dance event involving the audience, collective practice or any other creative format (30 to 40 min.) ;
  • group interdisciplinary panels involving artists, teachers, dance practitioners, academics, etc… (duration between 1h and 1h30 for a group of 3 to 6 presenters) ;
  • video interventions (particularly ones that bring a fresh perspective to what is at stake with competitions – maximum duration: 1 hour) ;
  • 2-people conversation around a performance, where experience as well as theoretical notions are shared with the audience (1 hour). We also encourage presenters to propose innovative digital presentations with a creative take on the possibilities listed above. Abstracts (in English or in French) can be sent before December 1st, 2022, to the following email address:

All abstracts must feature :

  • The presenter’s name, affiliation, and email ;
  • The title of the paper ;
  • Which format has been selected for the presentation, and which axis it is connected to ;
  • A short bio (around 1000 signs, spaces included) ; The length of the abstract will not exceed 3000 signs (including spaces).
    Financial support is available to the presenters of the conference except for colleagues already in tenured positions. Subventions can also be awarded to help pay for transportation and housing, and priority will be given to presenters who have no institutional support.

Meer informatie via deze website