Laat je begeleiden bij de ontwikkeling van je film of audiovisueel project door SIC in 2022

Sound Image Culture SIC

SIC (Sound Image Culture) is een programma van één jaar in Brussel dat filmmakers en artiesten begeleidt bij de ontwikkeling van hun film of audiovisueel project. Dien een projectvoorstel in (max 2 pagina’s) voor 11/09/2021. SIC is op zoek naar authentieke projecten die de grenzen van de audiovisuele taal verleggen en hecht belang aan esthetische en ethische reflecties. De begeleiding bestaat een groep coaches – gerenommeerde kunstenaars/filmmakers – en een groep vakgenoten je project volgen in een ondersteunende en professionele omgeving.

More information in English

SIC is a one year program that accompanies filmmakers and artists in the development of their film or audiovisual project.

At SIC a group of coaches – renown artists/filmmakers – and a group of peers will follow your project in a supportive and professional environment.
SIC has been thought by filmmakers for filmmakers and audiovisual artists in order to help them break the solitude of the creation process.
It is a framework based on the idea of thinking by doing, on discussion around concrete audiovisual materials.
We look for projects that are authentic and push the borders of audiovisual language.
We care about aesthetic and ethical reflections connected to the project. Our aim is to support the participant develop a radical artistic vision.

What we offer : filmmakers, artists and thinkers brainstorming collectively on your project; personal mentoring; encounters with international guests allowing new viewpoints on your project, masterclasses and seminars focusing on contemporary works and sound design, as well as a production seminar introducing the local production facilities and infrastructures. A public presentation of your work at the end of the cycle.
Collective sessions take place every second month in Brussels. The common language is English.

What we expect : to be present at the collective sessions and give feedback to your peers ; to work on your project with the guidance of your coach ; present audiovisual materials of your project at every collective session  (footage, tryouts, edits).

Our selection is based on an audiovisual project proposal submitted by the candidate, which contains the following paragraphs developed in maximum 2 pages:
– What is the subject of your project and why do you want to make it?
– What’s the relation between the author and his or her subject/ the ‘other’ ?
– What is your formal approach? Is there a relation between your subject and the form you choose ?

To send us your application:
Please prepare one PDF document with:
The filled-in application form (download here), an image of your project in good quality, the project proposal in max. 2 pages with links to your work, one page CV and any other link you chose to clarify your proposal.

Please note that the language for submission is English and formats other than PDF, multiple documents or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications of more than 5 pages will not be accepted either.
Looking forward to reading your proposals. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions:

Selection process:
Submission deadline: 11/09/2021
Notification of shortlist selection: 04/10/2021
Personal meetings of shortlisted candidates with SIC’s team of coaches: 07-08/10/2021
Notification of selected projects: 11/10/2021

Planned Data Collective Sessions 2022: 10-15/01/2022, 14-16/03/2022, 9-11/05/2022, 27-30/06/2022, 05-07/09/2022, 07-11/11/2022.

Participation fee: 1500 €
If you need help in co-financing your participation fee, please contact us for information about available grants:

SIC’s team of coaches for 2022 are:
Vivianne Perelmuter, Effi Weiss, Amir Borenstein (Effi & Amir), Mary Jiménez, Jorge Léon, Didier Volckaert, Jelena Jureša & Moon Blaisse. Patrick Codenys for sound.

A list of previous international guests can be found here.