Denk mee na over een concept voor Berlin House for Dance and Choreography

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

A call for proposals for the conceptual phase of a Berlin House for Dance and Choreography in 2021 has been published via the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.


The long-demanded development process for an institution for Berlin dance is now being launched in cooperation with the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and Berlin’s cultural policy.

In 2021, the implementation of the project shall be advanced in cooperation with the decentralised structure of the Berlin dance landscape and in close interaction with the measures initiated in the Round Table Dance to structurally strengthen the art form of dance.

On the basis of the results of the Round Table Dance, a site analysis is to be carried out for a future institution for dance in Berlin that can be integrated into the existing decentralised landscape and that is also capable of accommodating a dance archive and a dance education/mediation centre.

In addition, models for operational and financial implementation must be developed and initial considerations regarding the content profile and organizational models based on contemporary practice must be explored.

For whom and how to apply?

The volume of the conception phase in 2021 amounts to 105,000 €, individuals or existing teams can apply, an involvement of further expertise is possible and desired.

The call for proposals (in German) can be found here, the final report of the Round Table Dance (relevant especially chapters 5 and 6) can be found here.

It is possible to submit the project application in English.

The deadline for applications is 10 February 2021, closing at 6pm.

More information (in German)