Dancers, actors for a work in progress

[POST]HUMAN / Liesbet Hermans


A Deluded State of Mind reconsiders separation. The illusion that there is an independent me and  an independent world out there. Hermans wants to approach this idea from a wider philosophical  perspective in order to retrace it in the corporeal and mindful interactions between a performer  and a spectator. The first phase of the project (2019) started with silent duo-walking. The  spectator steps into the performers trace, researching themes as object/subject,  awareness/observation etc. 

For a first test with audience (Vooruit, Gent and C-mine, Genk /dates below), we are looking for  2 (or 3) dancers, physical actors or performers. We will co-create in a 3-day laboratory,  researching the body/mind relation. Practices are ao: silent duo-walks and physical research  around the perception of different mental states, noticing and observing the mind, sharing and  reflecting. 

Is there a way to perform the activity of our mind? What happens if the human body would follow  our minds suggestions? How does a polluted or distorded body pattern behaves? How can the  body of the performer be part of the phenomenological body of a spectator? 

For whom? 

We are looking for mature and intuitive performers who have a strong affinity with movement  and awareness and are open to work in public space/different weather conditions. The studio  training related to this piece, is one of building sensitivity, transparency and intuition. An open  mindset and readiness to share and co-create is essential. 

Practical info  

To join the project, you are invited to the 3-day Labo, taking place in S3 / Les ballets C de la B (Gent) from Thursday 18 till Saturday 20 March. This laboratory/workshop is a three day unpaid intensive research opportunity. 

If working together: 

1. You will rehearse in a traject of 9 days, in the week of 22 march, 12 april, 19 april, 26 april or  10 may (according to the agenda of every participant). These rehearsals will be paid with KVR,  based on the current CAO in performing arts.  

2. You will join a rehearsal and preparation for the test-performances : 

from 17 till 22 of may in Vooruit (Gent) / with performance on 22 of may / full day  from 26 till 29 of may in C-mine (Genk) / with performance on 29 of may / full day Both rehearsals are paid with invoice, based on the current CAO in performing arts.  

To apply please send a three line motivation, your cv and a link to a short video to liesbet(at) before 6th of march. If you are resonating with the project but are not  available on these specific dates, send the same email and state in the subject that you are  interested but NOT available. Your profile will be linked to the future project, where we (after  the pandemic) will expand to a larger group of performers. 

About [POST]HUMAN / Liesbet Hermans

Liesbet Hermans (BE, 1981°) is a conceptual artist, choreographer and curator. Her practice explores the  in-between, a space where not-knowing is allowed. The main question in her artwork is: where did we  forget to be human? On the border between performance and installation, preferably happening in public  space, she explores aspects of our daily reality by reinventing and reframing them in different contexts.  She is founder and curator of MUTE, a silent art festival and workspace that creates a context for performances without words. In recent years, the mind-body relation and the influence of silence on  interpersonal relationships have formed the basis for her artwork.