UFO Visitors Programme #1

17-20 Mar 2022
Visitors programme Cas-co & Level Five
The UFO Visitors Programme is co-organised by Flanders Arts Institute, Cas-co and Level Five.

Studio Jan Duerinck (c) Michiel De Cleene

The UFO Visitors Programme is co-organised by Flanders Arts Institute and UFO, a platform of artist studio organisations in Flanders, and introduces international professionals to support and development formats for (young) artists in Flanders. The programme aims to connect multiple players in this field, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to nourish an international network of references and opportunities. 
During each visitor’s programme we focus on two different UFO organisations. This pilot edition is centered around Cas-co in Leuven and Level Five in Brussels. Together with Flanders Arts Institute, these two organisations propose a dynamic programme for a group of international curators. The programme includes meetings with artists, visits of exhibitions, a curated tour of Leuven and Brussels’ vibrant art scene as well as professional social events.

Flanders Arts Institute and UFO invited Marie Braad Larsen (residency and project coordinator, Art Hub Copenhagen, Denmark), Valentijn Byvanck (director House for Contemporary Culture Marres, Maastricht, the Netherlands), Marie de Gaulejac (curator and head residency programme Triangle, Marseille, France), Šimon Kadlčák (artist, curator and coordinator residency programme Brno House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic), Johanna Markert (curator anorak, Berlin, Germany) and Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki (artist, founder and curator Yellow Brick, Athens, Greece) to join the programme.


Thursday 17 March – Leuven

11:00 Arrival in Leuven
12:00 Visit and lunch at Werktank
14:00 Programme curated by Cas-co
19:00 Visit of the exhibitions by Wael Shawky, Alexis Gautier, Richard Long at M Leuven
20:00 Networking dinner with guests at M Leuven

Friday 18 March – Leuven & Brussels

10:00 Studio visits with Cas-co artists
12:30 Lunch with the artists
14:00 Train to Brussels
15:00 Guided tour by bike to different artist run organisations organised by Level Five: nadine, rile*, KOMPLOT, Globe Aroma
20:00 Networking dinner with guests at Globe Aroma

Saturday 19 March – Brussels

10:00 Artist studio visits organised by Level Five
12:30 Lunch
14:00 For (and by) artists: public talk with international curators about support for artists

After a keynote introduction on Infrastructures of care and support for (and by) artists by Danielle van Zuijlen (Kunsthal Gent, NUCLEO), six international guest artists and curators briefly introduce themselves and explain which formats or instruments they use to support artists in their daily practice. Afterwards, you can exchange examples with the curators in smaller groups, and discuss questions such as: what kind of support do you need to develop your artistic practice? How does exchange with peers nourish your artistic environment? How can organisations supporting artists play a role in building more sustainable relationships around artistic practices? Can support organisations extend from a local to an international scale?

Location: Meyboom – Artist run spaces, Boulevard Pachécolaan 34, 1000 Brussels

20:00 Networking dinner

Sunday 20 March – Brussels

Free day and departures