Studio for rent at Cas-co


Artist and loo­king for a spa­ce, net­work and fra­me­work in Leuven? Cas-co vzw cur­rent­ly has a spa­ce avai­la­ble on the site of maakleerplek.
Cas-co offers spa­ce to visu­al artists with diver­se back­grounds, needs and requi­re­ments. Cas-co does this by faci­li­ta­ting affor­da­ble stu­dios, acti­ve­ly cre­a­ting pro­ject and pre­sen­ta­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties and sti­mu­la­ting exchan­ge in all kinds of ways. maak­leer­plek is a site whe­re artists (through Cas-co), Leuven com­pa­nies, schools and resi­dents (learn) to cre­a­te together.
From August 1, stu­dio B in the lab buil­ding at maak­leer­plek is emp­ty and they are loo­king for an artist or col­lec­ti­ve that wants to give the spa­ce a new mea­ning. Interested? Submit your file until Sunday, July 162023!

Cas-co is loo­king for an artist or col­lec­ti­ve who: 

  • is pro­fes­si­o­nal­ly active; 
  • has a back­ground in the visu­al arts and/​or has a hybrid practice;
  • is loo­king for exchan­ge and can con­nect to the broa­der sto­ry of Cas-co and maakleerplek;
  • acti­ve­ly uses the workspa­ce and is pre­sent in the organization.

Cas-co offers:

  • a sim­ple 23 m² stu­dio on the ground floor of maak­leer­plek (Stapelhuisstraat 13/15) at a total cost of 152 euros (rent and uti­li­ty costs) per month;
  • a dyna­mic and ambi­tious wor­king envi­ron­ment whe­re artists, cul­tu­ral wor­kers, cura­tors, schools, com­pa­nies and other makers meet daily;
  • various forms of prac­ti­ce sup­port and acti­ve devel­op­ment poli­cy (orga­ni­zing stu­dio visits & mas­ter clas­ses, iden­ti­fying oppor­tu­ni­ties for pre­sen­ta­ti­on, guid­an­ce in fin­ding net­work and funding, …);
  • sha­red faci­li­ties: a canteen, fab lab and tools bib; pho­to lab and grap­hics lab under devel­op­ment; sha­red workspaces, …

Procedure and information

go to cas-co