Norway / Noorwegen

1. Cultural policy

Cultural policy profile

Cultural policy profile of Norway in 7 thematic chapters, including additional information and resources:


Ministry of Culture: The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the policy areas of culture, equality and discrimination, copyright, the media, sport and the voluntary sector

2. Official representations

Representation of Norway in Belgium

Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgium
Counsellor – Cultural Affairs
Lise Leifsdatter Traeland
Rue Archimède 17
B-1000 Bruxelles
Phone: + 32 (0) 2 238 73 00

Representation of Flanders in Norway

Diplomatic Representation of the Government of Flanders in Norway
Geraldine Reymenants, General Representative of the Government of Flanders in the Nordic Countries

3. About funding, cooperation and information centers

– Funding and cooperation

  • Kulturradet – Arts Council Norway: administers subsidies to art and culture projects across Norway, engages in development work and advises the government. It facilitates international cooperation in the cultural sector. The Arts Council is fully financed by the Ministry of Culture. Kulturradet is a National Member of IFACCA.
  • Talent Norge: an initiative aiming at helping young talents in various disciplines and artist advance further within their field, through structured talent development. It does not provide individual support but works with capacity building organisations.
  • Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP): has national responsibility for promoting and stimulating artistic research in Norway. The programme supports projects which contribute to promote reflection and insight based on artistic practice.

– Information

  • Information on the OTM page: On the Move is the cultural mobility information network, providing information and knowledge for artists and cultural professionals active across borders. On this page, you can find all current calls related to the country as well as the latest version of the Cultural Mobility Funding Guide – and more.
  • Ars Baltica: Focused on cultural cooperation around the Baltic Sea, Ars Baltica provides country profiles for all 11 countries. Find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Norway!. “Cross-sectional” contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.

4. Other information portals and platforms

– All disciplines

  • Norwegian Arts Abroad (NAA): a network of organizations, facilitating the promotion of Norway internationally through managing grant programs of artistic, commerce and export-oriented nature.
  • Norway Festivals: established in 1997 as a body for cooperation and development of Norwegian festivals, with the aim of spreading knowledge about the member festivals and to promote these nationally and internationally. Check its Norwegian website for a good overview of its members.

– Visual arts

  • Office of Contemporary Art OCA: Non-profit foundation created by the Norwegian Ministries of Culture and of Foreign Affairs to foster dialogue between art practitioners in Norway, including Sámi, and the international arts scene, and support artists in Norway in their international activities.
  • Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK): a membership organisation committed to promote and enhance the intellectual, social, legislative and economic interests of professional visual artists. NBK is a member of IAA / AIAP.
  • Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF): a biennial festival that presents works by international artists in a local and site-specific context, acknowledges the complexity of place and seeks to be an open, experimental and including meeting place for artists, audience and locals. LIAF is owned and administered by NNKS, the North Norwegian Art Centre.
  • KORO: produces and funds art for public spaces throughout Norway and at Norwegian consulates and embassies abroad. It conducts collection management and public-engagement activities relating to a large collection of artworks throughout Norway.

– Performing arts

  • Performing Arts Hub Norway: A national competence centre promoting professional performing arts, nationally and internationally, with a special emphasis on independent performing arts. The Hub organises experts’ visits, international showcases and more to help the Norwegian performing arts (theatre and dance) connect internationally.
  • Dance Information Norway: National information, promotion, guidance and resource centre for the art of dance. You will find information about festivals, auditions, job opportunities, education, workshops and seminars, in addition to news services, press clips and many useful links.
  • Assitej Norway: The Norwegian branch of the international association for performing arts for children and young audiences.

Norske Dansekunstnere – NoDa: a Norwegian dance union and represents the interests of the field actively. It takes part in Dance Passport Scheme

– Music

  • The Council for Music Organisations in Norway (Norsk musikkråd): The main task for CMON is to co-ordinate and look after the interests of music organisations in different matters concerning authorities and public institutions. The main aim of such effects is to increase the public acceptance of music as an important part of national culture and provide better conditions for music education and music activities.
  • Music Norway: Norwegian music industry’s export facilitator and promotional organisation.

5. Regional organisations

  • The EEA and Norway Grants: support to the cultural sector follows the Europe 2020 strategy and contributes to smart and sustainable growth. The funding facilitates cultural cooperation, strengthens the focus on cultural dialogue, our cultural diversity and the promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms.
  • The Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC): is a governmental initiative which brings together national authorities, practitioners from cultural and creative industries (CCI) and experts. It works towards a stronger, more competitive and more resilient CCI sector that contributes significantly to the sustainable development of the Northern Dimension region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation and Sweden).
  • Nordic Culture Point: an institution of the Nordic Council of Ministers which works to support Nordic co-operation within the area of culture and to increase awareness of Nordic culture in Finland.
  • The Nordic Culture Fund: works to support innovative and dynamic artistic and cultural life in the Nordic Region that is diverse, accessible and of high quality. Through this mission, we wish to stimulate the development of art and culture at all levels in the Nordic region, as well as in a global context.
  • Saami Council: a voluntary Saami organization (a non–governmental organization), with Saami member organizations in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden. The Cultural Unit is promoting a crossborder saami policy within the cultural field and supports both traditional and modern saami culture.
  • Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN): a collaborative network of 20 circus arts organisations in the Baltic and Nordic countries. BNCN organises activities which aim to support the circus field in the Baltic-Nordic countries at large. From workshops to seminars to international residencies – for both artists and industry professionals focus on skills development, best practice, increased knowledge and cooperation as well as cultural and national identity.