Estonia / Estland

1. Cultural policy

Cultural policy profile

Cultural policy profile of Estonia in 7 thematic chapters, including additional information and resources


Ministry of Culture (IFACCA National Member)

2. Official representations

Representation of Estonia in Belgium

Counsellor for Cultural Affairs
Kadri Jauram
phone: +32 2 227 3917

Representation of Flanders in Estonia

Matthias De Moor
General Representative of the Government of Flanders in Poland and the Baltic States

3. About funding, cooperation and information centers

– Funding and cooperation

  • Ministry of Culture, International cooperation: The Ministry of Culture is responsible for promoting the internationalisation of Estonian culture, developing cultural relations and diplomacy between countries, and participating in the formulation of cultural and sports policies in international organizations. Estonia has concluded nearly 50 cultural cooperation agreements and established a joint programme with countries around the world. Estonia also participates in more than 15 international organisations, forums or cooperation programmes.
  • The Cultural Endowment of Estonia: contributes, with area-specific knowledge and flexible decision methods, to the variety and continuity of the areas of culture and sport. The structure of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia includes 8 endowments: literature, dramatic art, music, audio-visual art, visual and applied arts, folk culture, architecture, physical fitness and sport, as well as interdisciplinary projects.

– Information

Estonian Institute: works to spread information about Estonian society and culture abroad, further cultural and educational links and organise the teaching of Estonian language and culture outside Estonia. Estonian Institute is the EUNIC member.

  • Country page on On the Move: On the Move is the cultural mobility information network, providing information and knowledge for artists and cultural professionals active across borders. On this page, you can find all current calls related to the country as well as the latest version of the Cultural Mobility Funding Guide – and more.
  • Ars Baltica: Focused on cultural cooperation around the Baltic Sea, Ars Baltica provides country profiles for all 11 countries. Find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Estonia!. “Cross-sectional” contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.

Art education / education & research

  • Estonian Academy of the Arts: The Estonian Academy of the Arts collaborates with more than a 100 partner universities in the world. It is part of many regional and international networks and hosts foreign artists through its artist-in-residence programme. It also has research grants (for artistic research).
  • Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT): In its activities the International Cooperation department supports the vision of EAMT as a recognised and attractive educational and cultural centre that actively develops international cooperation and is open to creative ideas, research activities and innovative interdisciplinary projects. The EAMT is a member of many international organisations and networks.

4. Other information portals and platforms

– All disciplines

  • Unions: You will find lists of all creative unions, sectoral unions and organisations on the website of the Ministry of Culture, section Arts and Creative Economy.
  • Residencies: TransArtists provides an overview of all residencies in Estonia, across disciplines.

– Visual Arts

  • Estonian Artists Association (EAA): With 997 members and 18 sub-associations, the EAA is one of the largest artistic associations in Estonia. The association aims to develop the field of art and expand its social basis in Estonia, to protect the interests of artists and support their creative activities. Its website lists lots of relevant information for visual artists in Estonia, as well as an overview of Estonian galleries. EAA is a member of IAA / AIAP.

– Performing arts

  • Estonian Theatre Agency / Estonian Theatre Union: dealing with copyright issues of plays, developing Estonian playwriting, gathering and distributing theatre and dance information, introducing Estonian theatre abroad and collecting and publishing of Estonian theatre statistics. Since 2010, it runs ITI Estonia together with the Estonian Association of Performing Arts Institutions.
  • ASSITEJ Estonia: The Estonian branch of ASSITEJ, the association representing professional theater for children and young people.
  • Eesti Kaasaegse Tsirkuse Arenduskeskus: Estonian Contemporary Circus Development Centre has been called to life by Estonian circus professionals and with the support from Estonian Ministry of Culture in 2014. It is an umbrella organisation for Estonian circus organisations and professionals. Circus centre’s mission is to bring together, value and develop circus arts on all levels, from grass-root t

– Music

  • Estonian Music Information Centre (EMIC): promotes Estonian classical and contemporary music both in Estonia and abroad, by providing and sharing information about Estonian composers and their works, music organisations and their activities, musicians and musical life in general. EMIC provides an overview of music festivals in Estonia.
  • Estonian Music Council (EMC): founded in 1992, is a non-governmental organisation that serves as a representative body of Estonian musicians.
  • Music Estonia: a music industry development centre for a profitable and innovative sector that exports its services, products and trademarks worldwide. Member of EMEE.

5. Regional organisations

  • Organisation internationale of la Francophonie (OIF): The Francophonie is also an institution, dedicated since 1970 to promoting the French language and political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation among the 88 member countries of the OIF, among which support for Cultural Diversity. Estonia has an observer member status.
  • Easttopics: a non-profit initiative dedicated to the promotion of the Eastern European contemporary art field. This cross-border project takes form as an expanding on-line website and database focusing on the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
  • CEC ArtsLink: advocates and supports transnational cultural mobility and collaboration, empowering artists and arts leaders to engage communities in dialogue and creative projects for a more equitable, compassionate, and sustainable world. In many of its funding programmes, it connects the USA with European and Asian countries.
  • The Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC): a governmental initiative which brings together national authorities, practitioners from cultural and creative industries (CCI) and experts. It works towards a stronger, more competitive and more resilient CCI sector that contributes significantly to the sustainable development of the Northern Dimension region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation and Sweden).
  • Baltic Culture Fund: promotes cultural cooperation between Baltic States, in order to strengthen the internationalisation of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian culture through joint cultural events.
  • Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN): is a collaborative network of 20 circus arts organisations in the Baltic and Nordic countries. BNCN organises activities which aim to support the circus field in the Baltic-Nordic countries at large. From workshops to seminars to international residencies – for both artists and industry professionals focus on skills development, best practice, increased knowledge and cooperation as well as cultural and national identity.

6. Additonial information and venues