Denmark / Denemarken

1. Cultural policy

Cultural policy profile

Cultural policy profile of Denmark in 7 thematic chapters, including additional information and resource.


Ministry of Culture of Denmark

2. Official representations

Representation of Denmark in Belgium

Representation of Flanders in Denmark

Diplomatic Representation of the Government of Flanders in Denmark:

Geraldine Reymenants
General Representative of the Government of Flanders in the Nordic Countries

3. About funding, cooperation and information centers

– Funding and cooperation

  • The Danish Arts Foundation: Denmark’s largest funding body for the Ministry of Culture. Through more than 60 different funding programmes, spreading culture, international collaboration and talent development is supported in visual arts, film, literature, music, performing arts, architecture, crafts, and design. As a foreign artist, you may apply for funding for your artwork or project through our international funding programmes.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation: provides grants for art research, specifically in fields including research on art history, practice-based art and the interdisciplinary crossroads between art and science.

– Information

  • Danish Cultural Institute: The Danish Cultural Institute is a self-governing institution. Since 1940 the Institute has been engaged in creating mutual understanding between people, with the aim to show that the exchange of art, culture and knowledge can contribute to handling global challenges and strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals. Danish Cultural Institute is a EUNIC member.
  • The Danish Artists’ Council is an interdisciplinary organization for the professional artists’ organizations in Denmark, with a view to co-operation in the field of art and culture policy. The purpose of the Danish Artists’ Council is to take care of the cultural and political artists’ cultural policy position in society, including working for the professional artists’ interests in a political, legal, economic and social context. Website in Danish only.
  • Country Page on On the Move: On the Move is the cultural mobility information network, providing information and knowledge for artists and cultural professionals active across borders. On this page, you can find all current calls related to the country as well as the latest version of the Cultural Mobility Funding Guide – and more.
  • Ars Baltica: Focused on cultural cooperation around the Baltic Sea, Ars Baltica provides country profiles for all 11 countries. Find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Denmark!. “Cross-sectional” contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.

4. Other information portals and platforms

– All disciplines

  • TransArtists: Overview of artists’ residency programmes in Denmark, in all disciplines.

– Visual arts

  • is an art portal with current international exhibitions, art history and a shop with a large selection of art. In its “Danish Art Life” section, it lists many (if not all) museums and galleries in Denmark. In Danish only.
  • is a great source of knowledge about contemporary art in Denmark. It provides information and discussions across genres and Danish regions. In Danish only.
  • I Do Art: Information platform about the Danish art scene – exhibition calendar / ongoing shows/ installation images / interviews etc.
  • Art Hub Copenhagen: Research institution with both local and international programme focusing on research, production and development for artists, and the presentation of art. Often eager to engage with curators and artists from abroad and offer advice on the Danish art scene.
  • Billedkunstnernes Forbund: BKF is the largest association for visual artists in Denmark, counting about 1.400 members. Its website is mostly in Danish and lists many resources for visual artists. BKF is a member of IAA / AIAP.

– Performing arts

  • Assitej DK: The Danish branch of ASSITEJ, the association representing professional theater for children and young people.
  • Dansk Teater: Danish Theatre (Dansk Teater) is an employers and industry association for professional theatres and performing arts producers in Denmark. The members include one man theatres, project theatres, locally bound theatres, the regional stages, The Danish National Opera, The Royal Danish Theatre, and the theatres in the larger cities.

– Music

  • Art Music Denmark: the national centre for contemporary, experimental music, sound art and classical music in Denmark.
  • DEOO – Danish Ensembles, Orchestras and Opera Institutions: DEOO is the interest and industry organization for live music ensembles, orchestras and opera companies in Denmark. DEOO aims to take care of and deal with matters of common interest to the members, to strengthen the members in relation to decision-makers, authorities and other organizations and to promote cooperation between the members. DEOO is a member of PEARLE.

5. Regional organisations

  • The Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC): a governmental initiative which brings together national authorities, practitioners from cultural and creative industries (CCI) and experts. It works towards a stronger, more competitive and more resilient CCI sector that contributes significantly to the sustainable development of the Northern Dimension region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation and Sweden).
  • Nordic Culture Point: an institution of the Nordic Council of Ministers which works to support Nordic co-operation within the area of culture and to increase awareness of Nordic culture in Finland.
  • Nordic Culture Fund: works to support innovative and dynamic artistic and cultural life in the Nordic Region that is diverse, accessible and of high quality. Through this mission, we wish to stimulate the development of art and culture at all levels in the Nordic region, as well as in a global context.
  • Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN): a collaborative network of 20 circus arts organisations in the Baltic and Nordic countries. BNCN organises activities which aim to support the circus field in the Baltic-Nordic countries at large. From workshops to seminars to international residencies – for both artists and industry professionals focus on skills development, best practice, increased knowledge and cooperation as well as cultural and national identity.