Join a 4 day net­work pro­gram in New York City

Kunstplaats Vonk

Kunstplaats Vonk orga­nizes a 4 day net­work pro­gram in New York City. During this event Vonk takes 8 emerg­ing visu­al artists from Belgium to New York to build their network.

We Are Looking For Artists

  • Who are active in the visu­al or trans­dis­ci­pli­nary per­for­mance arts.
  • (For per­for­mance artists, there should be a strong crossover with visu­al arts in their practice.)
  • Who have a high qual­i­ty of artis­tic work.
  • Who have a sol­id pro­fes­sion­al career in Belgium and are already work­ing internationally.

We Offer

  • A plane tick­et to leave on Monday June 10th, 2024 and return on Saturday June 15th, 2024 *
  • A shared hotel room for 5 nights in Manhattan (2 per­sons per room, sin­gle beds) includ­ing breakfast
  • 7 speed­date ses­sions with 10 New York cura­tors (gal­lerists, artis­tic direc­tor, etc.)
  • 3 guid­ed art orga­ni­za­tion visits

You Need To

  • Be free to trav­el dur­ing the peri­od of the program
  • Have the Belgian nation­al­i­ty (or have been liv­ing in Belgium for at least 3 years)
  • Have an inter­na­tion­al pass­port and a Visa for the United States
  • Pay a fee of € 680,00 to cov­er a part of our expens­es or buy your own plane tick­ets. (It’s pos­si­ble to set up a pay­ment plan if needed)
  • Pay for your food dur­ing the 5 days (except for the break­fasts, 1 lunch dur­ing the speed­dates and 1 dinner )
  • Make your own portfolio
  • Use Kunstplaats Vonk in all of your communication
  • Be avail­able on June 1st, 2024 to do a try-out speed­date ses­sion in Hasselt

How To Apply

Send your:

  • Personal infor­ma­tion
  • CV (max. 2 A4 pages)
  • Website link
  • Motivation why you think you are ready to take your art prac­tice to the United States (max. 0,5 A4 page)
  • What are your top 5 art insti­tu­tions in New York and why? (max 0,5 A4 page)
  • What are the 5 art orga­ni­za­tions (or gal­leries) you think are rel­e­vant for your prac­tice ? (max 0,5 A4 page)
  • What is your cur­rent posi­tion in the Belgian and inter­na­tion­al art scene? (max 0,5 A4 page )
  • What are your ideas or vision about how you will sus­tain this new net­work in the future? (max 0,5 A4 page)
  • Do you cur­rent­ly have a link with New York or are you rep­re­sent­ed by a gallery that has a NY branch?
  • A link to your online portfolio*

*You will need to present your online port­fo­lio to the New York cura­tors. Make it clear, clean and pro­fes­sion­al. Don’t email us the port­fo­lio ! Make a link to a google dri­ve or a hid­den page on your web­site.


How To Send It In:

Bundle every­thing in 1 pdf and save it under the title : surname.firstname.NewYork

  • Email it before January 5th at 23h59 2024 to lies@​kunstplaatsvonk.​be AND to vonkvzw@​outlook.​com with the sub­ject title also surname.firstname.NewYork

*Please take note that we can only offer you plane tick­ets from Brussels to NYC and back and on the giv­en dates: June 10th and June 15th

More information

This inter­na­tion­al pro­gram is a project of Kunstplaats Vonk and Flanders House. It is fund­ed by the Flemish Government, the city of Hasselt & the city of Genk.