Call for proposals for Classical:NEXT

Naar Classical:NEXT met steun van Kunstenpunt of Sabam
Classical:NEXT is de belangrijkste internationale bijeenkomst voor de vernieuwing van klassieke muziek in Europa. Op de vorige editie waren 1.300 professionals uit 45 landen aanwezig, afkomstig uit alle soorten branches (programmatoren, label managers, artiesten, distributeurs, publishers, media en meer).
Zoals elk jaar is ook Kunstenpunt te vinden op Classical:NEXT om onze klassieke muzieksector te ondersteunen en in de kijker te zetten. De details hierrond worden op dit moment nog uitgewerkt en volgen nog.
Ter info: ook extra ondersteuning voor leden Sabam
Sabam biedt ook hun leden extra ondersteuning aan, in de vorm van een beurs voor hun componisten & publishers. Indien je voor een showcase geselecteerd bent, kan je een forfaitair bedrag krijgen bij Sabam. Als je als componist of uitgever naar Classical:NEXT wil als netwerkevent, kan je ook de accreditatie, vervoer en verblijf ingeven en betalen ze 50% terug tot max 750€. Meer informatie bij Sabam.
Dien je voorstel in voor Classical:NEXT
Classical:NEXT opens its search for the best, brightest and most forward-looking artists, projects, topics and interactive conference formats from all corners of the classical music world. It doesn’t matter if it’s early or contemporary, traditional or experimental, most importantly it’s heading “NEXT”.
Classical:NEXT is “by the community, for the community”: part of this equation is that the programme comes from music professionals themselves. All movers, shakers and everyday innovators from all sectors of the global art music scene are invited to submit their proposals for the project pitches, showcases and the conference.
All proposals will be considered by an independent jury of international experts – guaranteeing a neutral yet informed selection process. The jury’s final selection prioritises ensuring an optimal balance of geographical and gender representations, as well as themes, approaches and instrumentation.
Please submit by Friday, 06 October 2023.
The ideal format for soloists and small ensembles to present their new repertoire, new approaches and/or new concert formats. Come perform in front of the Classical:NEXT delegates representing all areas of the industry including music presenters, media and venues. For 2024, showcase artists are sought for daytime and evening performances.
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Come perform in a club-style atmosphere! After the sun goes down on Tuesday, 14 May and Wednesday, 15 May, musical adventures start up in intimate, casual surroundings. International soloists, small ensembles and DJs are sought after experts of excellence in crafting club-compatible soundscapes of the classically-inclined.
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Bring your topics, projects and passions to transfer hands-on know-how and find new solutions with the Classical:NEXT delegates.
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Project Pitches are quick-fire, 9-minute presentation slots including video and Q&A. This format is ideal as a cost and time-effective way to inform the international music community about your artistic project, large ensemble or staged production using your most attractive video material and your powers of persuasion.
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