Bijloke Summer Academy 2024: residencies for young artists in music theater

LOD music theatre, Bijloke Summer Academy

Do you have an artistic idea within the field of contemporary music theatre? Are you looking for a great opportunity to work on this idea with music (theatre) professionals under the best possible conditions?

Bijloke Summer Academy – Music Theatre offers a seven day residency for projects in its (early) development phase. Based on your seven day work plan, Bijloke Summer Academy can provide you with the support of dramaturges, singers, musicians, technicians, etc. The Academy  creates a safe space for artists to test and trial their artistic idea with no defined end result.

What we offer

Bijloke Summer Academy – Music Theatre provides coaching by highly renowned artists/dramaturges, a professional new music ensemble, two lectures/masterclasses and technical and logistic support of a well-equipped production house and concert hall.

All participants are offered a residency of 7 days in Ghent from 2 until 8 September 2024 and a rehearsal space in one of the performance halls at the Bijloke site. According to your needs, we will work out a planning, location and coaching.

Apply now

Fill in the application form below before 15 April 2024

The information you provide should include a project description, an artistic research proposal (video pitch) and a biography of all applicants. You will have to outline a seven day work plan that specifies your artistic and technical expectations (coaches, types of technical and artistic support…) as well as your practical needs (travels, accommodation…).

Apply for the BIJLOKE SUMMER ACADEMY 2024 2 – 8 September 2024

More information & application here


The Bijloke Summer Academy – Music Theatre takes place in Ghent, Belgium from 2 – 8 September 2024.The organisations provide accommodation, catering and reimbursement of travel costs. Participation to the Academy is free. 

If you have any questions, please contact