(Re)framing the International: inspiration session performing arts

23 Apr 2019
(Re)framing the International: inspiratiesessie podiumkunsten

(c) Annabella Schwagten

Internationaal werken is een vanzelfsprekendheid in de kunstensector. Op zoek naar nieuwe ‘markten’ om werk te tonen, naar een ander publiek, naar nieuwe bronnen van inkomsten of naar inspiratie voor nieuw werk, reizen kunstenaars en kunstprofessionals de wereld rond.

Working internationally has become self-evident in the arts field. Artists and arts professionals travel the world: always looking for ‘new markets’ to show work, to find a different audience, to look for new sources of income or inspiration for new work.

However, this internationalisation has a flipside. The shallowness of quick international contacts does hardly allow time to understand the context of a place. World-wide transport leaves a huge ecological footprint. From the west, we travel anywhere, but travelling from non-western countries to Europe becomes more and more difficult. The inequality in access to means of production and distribution is a reality.

How can we work differently and in a more sustainable way in the arts field on an artistic, economical, societal, social and ecological level? In this session we will discuss possible solutions. 

For whom

This session on performing arts is meant for artists, programmers, collaborators of arts organisations, work and residency spaces, critics, researchers and other art professionals.


Performing artists Einat Tuchman, Rósa Ómarsdóttir en Benjamin Verdonck will discuss their cases and share their experience.

This session will take place in English.

Location & time

23 april, 14u-17u
Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35, 1060 Sint-Gillis