What does sustainable internationalisation mean? Flanders Arts Institute has developed 25 routes to a sustainable international art practice.
How can policy help you when working internationally? Which subsidies are available for working internationally?
How do you build up an international network? Invest in sincere contacts with curators, programmers to fellow artists abroad.
Why should you work internationally? Working internationally requires an investment, not only in financial resources, but also in time and patience.
A number of useful tools at a glance Discover various tools that have been created to build fairer and safer relationships in the arts
Anti-ableist work in the arts: programming and communication How do you consistently programme and curate artists with disabilities in your institution? And how do you communicate about this?
Anti-ableist work in the arts: tools and advice Through this article, we provide tools for an anti-ableism policy.
How can I communicate gender-inclusively? Gender-inclusive communication contributes to reducing gender stereotypes and promotes gender equality.
Organisations facilitating international work Working abroad raises specific legal and business questions.
Inappropriate behaviour At the start of a collaboration, it’s worthwhile to invest in joint consultation about individual expectations and artistic ambitions.
Discrimination Discrimination can have a major impact on the victim’s well-being and cause a lot of stress.
Basic rules for your personal archive Where can you go for a digital toolbox with guidelines for archive and collection care in the arts sector?
Copyright and archive material What can and may be done with archive material pursuant to copyright law?
Who’s who: Cultural archive institutions in Flanders and Brussels Which organisations specialise in archiving the arts?
Working internationally: Pros and cons Choosing to work internationally has several motives. We take a look at some of them.
25 routes to a sustainable international arts practice Kill your darlings and call things by their names. Discover the 23 other tips.
Business and legal aspects of working internationally Find out all about MIPs in Europe and the United States
Participating in an open call: tips & tricks How do you check whether an open call is for you? Look at these tips and tricks to help you.