Looking for a long-term workspace? Share the infrastructure of fieldworks



fieldworks, the organization behind choreographers Heine Avdal and Yukiko Shinozaki, is looking for an organization to share its infrastructure with. That infrastructure is located at Koolmijnenkaai 30-34 in 1080 Brussels on a site that also houses Q-O2, iMAL, CyCLO, CZAR, ORG and other cultural organizations.

Fieldworks’ infrastructure includes: kitchen, sanitary facilities, guest room, office, plus over 160m2 of storage and workspace including a blackout rehearsal studio (8x8m).

The idea is to share the infrastructure including related costs on a 50/50 basis. The annual cost per organization comes to about 16,000 euros (rent, rental charges, maintenance, energy, internet…).

Interested or questions?

Contact Bob Van Langendonck at bob@field-works.be, company manager fieldworks.